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Showing posts from March, 2019

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Review: Everything's Trash, But It's Okay

Everything's Trash, But It's Okay by Phoebe Robinson My rating: 0 of 5 stars DNF because I had to return it to my library, but I ain't even mad. This seemed like it was finally going to be a book written by a comedian that is actually funny—and it WAS... In the beginning—but it started to feel like accidentally walking into a feminist rally. It was non-stop preaching about "you have to do this or else you're a bad person!!", and it's like oh my god shut up. Nothing against feminism, but damn did this chick become annoying as hell. I'm sure it was probably/maybe/possibly just that essay I was on, but honestly it was such a buzzkill that it completely shattered any and all motivation I had to continue listening to this before its return date. Also I'm shocked that I haven't seen anyone talk about the writing style, because it is... Definitely something. She literally writes her essays in the same shorthand way one would write a ...

Review: 毎日キスしていいですか? 4 [Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka? 4]

毎日キスしていいですか? 4 [Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka? 4] by Hatsuharu My rating: 1 of 5 stars Ah. It’s over. *cough* Finally *cough*. So, TLDR: Don’t read this series, it is bad . It’s about a guy who sexually and emotionally abuses a really dumb girl who’s too naïve to know that he’s even doing anything wrong. The problem is that this is presented as being romance . Read my previous reviews for more on that (links below). On this volume specifically, has anything changed? A little bit, yes, but ultimately: no. Nagi (the abuser in question) just reaaaallly comes off as a super horny teenager. So every time he jumps onto Kurumi (the dumb girl in question) it doesn’t feel romantic at all, it just feels like some stupid kid using another stupid kid to fulfill his selfish desires. And then, yes—AGAIN—Kurumi literally says “no" [s] and “I don’t like it" [s] , yet the motherfucker literally does not give a single micron of a shit and keeps going. Afte...

Review: 毎日キスしていいですか? 3 [Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka? 3]

毎日キスしていいですか? 3 [Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka? 3] by Hatsuharu My rating: 2 of 5 stars I have exactly zero ideas of what to think of this volume right now. Chapter 9 was literally despicable, a very easy 1 star start to this volume. This series was always despicable since the start, but it seems like that chapter was its climax since the despicable-ness stopped and the manga went back to just being funny, with less despicability than ever. (I will stop abusing that word now, sorry.) Nagio has always had zero regard for Kurumi's feelings, his own being the only thing mattering to him, but in chapter 8 he really took the cake. The end of volume 2 had us like "Yo wtf Nagio literally almost (or literally did??) molest this chick, wtf dude" (because yes we all collectively talk like surfer gangsters around here). But then the beginning of this volume (chapter 9) had us like "Nice you go girl, show it to him, he can't treat you like...