My rating: 1 of 5 stars

The last volume actually wasn’t the end of the Red-Dragon-Blood/Guy-With-Eight-Arms arc, it actually finishes up in the beginning of the 11th volume. It actually felt like it never ended because the transition into the next arc is so seamless.
We lose Souichirou and Maya because he gets kidnapped from the hospital and she goes after him. They are never seen again for the remainder of this bind-up. After that I honestly have no idea what happened in these volumes. It was literally filled to the brim with overlaid thought bubbles of characters philosophising about shit like fuckin’ samurai spirit, what constitutes a real warrior, the nature of life itself. Holy fucking shit, I DON’T CARE. It was so wack, honestly. Who does Oh! Great (the author) think he is? Just shut up. Honestly it was nothing more than distracting and confusing, obviously, because past it I have no idea what I just read.
There was lots of fighting. That much I could definitely make out. You know how I said I was hoping this volume would bring returning villains? Well holy shit there were an actual fuck-load of returning villains. The main man Takanahashi Sr. himself (and the rest of his posse), that crazy chinese guy who got his forearms cut off, the guy Souichirou beat up in the training arc, and even Shin! And that motherfucker is dead! And of course there were new antagonists as well. By golly-gee.
Actually, I bet the reason I don’t know what happened in these volumes is because LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENED. I think it might have literally been just fights for two more volumes straight. And philosophising, of course. A never ending stream of bullshit philosophising. Thinking back, that’s definitely all that I remember, and I literally just finishing reading this whole bind-up in one swell swoop so shit’s as fresh as it gets. Which at this point is not very fresh—you get it. The only thing I actually proper enjoyed was in volume 12 Takanahashi Jr. (ex-best character) finally showed his badassness again, so that was fantastic and lovely to see. Otherwise, honestly, this was pretty shit.
I literally couldn’t care less about the main cast fighting a bunch of fucking nobodies. Oh, they’re a part of “F”? Don’t care, they’re still a nobody as far as I’m concerned. I’m so over these past connected arcs and with fuckin “F” and whatnot. I’m actually kind of excited for the tournament arc though, because we’re going to see all the people WE ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT ABOUT fighting, and it will no doubt change some character relationships and create interesting dynamics in the fights! Just picture it: Takanahashi Sr. vs Takanahashi Jr. Beautiful. Or Takanahashi Sr. vs Maya. Wonderful. Though I don’t know how it’s going to work, because from what I remember can’t Takanahashi Sr. literally not exert himself for more than 30 seconds or else he’ll die or something? Wack. We’ll see what happens. See, I’m not some fight-prude, okay! I just have STANDARDS for fuck’s sake.
I actually feel kind of pissed off at this point. Like what the fuck was this, man? A bunch of bullshit. It’s getting annoying. It feels like I just spent the last few hours reading nothing. I’ll probably continue reading this series so I hope it develops some more substance soon and that the tournament arc is good. I had this rated two stars because after I finished reading it I thought it was “okay”, but after writing this rant I’m proper pissed so fuck it. One star, bitch. This has been such a huge disappointment. (This is my most profane review I’ve written in a while, I apologise.)
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1 (01-02) | 2 (03-04) | 3 (05-06) | 4 (07-08)
5 (09-10) | 6* (11-12) | 7 (13-14) | 8 (15-16)
9 (15-16) |
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