My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Scarlet Benoit by Lizgigler on DeviantArt
Wooooo yeeaaahhhhh Scaarlett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was loads better than Cinder. Mostly because of Scarlet and Wolf, heheheh. Cinder’s POVs were always just like whatever, but when it went back to Scarlet that’s when the party started. It was also great because Scarlet’s POVs were loongg and Cinder’s were shoort. No beef against Cinder as a character, she know she my homegirl, but her POV is just not the most interesting all the time.
I had really low hopes going into this book two of the Lunar Chronicles, mostly because of the fiasco that was Cinder. Okay I’m being way too hard on Cinder. I liked it. It was good… you know just a basic three star book. BUT SCARLET ON THE OTHER HAND. MMMH. Wonderful.
Scarlet was tons of fun. This book had way better twists and turns and was overall just more enjoyable than Cinder. I don’t think I necessarily liked Scarlet better than Cinder as a character, but I liked the interactions Scarlet had with the people around her better. Specifically Wolf. ;) *mild spoilers ahead?* (view spoiler)
So yeah. This book did a bunch of the things a good book should do. It kept me entertained and wanting to read more, it made me feel all the feels, it made me gasp, it made me rave about it in my notes (which by the way you should really read them at the bottom of this review, hint hint wink wink), it made me rave about it to my friends, and who knows what else I forgot. Anything negative about Scarlet? I feel like some people might think there’s some insta-love, but I guess I didn’t mind it that much. At the end I even felt the new love interest was… I don’t know. Not as great as it was in the middle?
An awesome thing I noticed while I was listening to music during training was that the lyrics of the song 'Lion' by Hollywood Undead are extremely fitting to one of the characters in the book! (view spoiler) Pretty much EVERY lyric in that song is fitting so I can't even just choose a part as an example because the whole thing is an example. Here's a link to the lyric video. I seriously think that if you've already read Scarlet that you should watch it because it's so weird how much little details in the lyrics are so relevant to the character in question!!
Here are the lyrics by themselves They might be a little spoilery if you haven't read the book yet.
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★The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Fairest, Winter
★Renegades: Renegades, Archenemies, Book 3
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