My rating: 1 of 5 stars
My first thoughts upon finishing this: This was the dumbest fucking book ever. The whole book was showing Naomi in bullshit romantic relationships and then right when she finally gets to being with "the one" the book fucking ends. (view spoiler)
I honestly don't know what's to like about this book. Naomi is an asshole to everyone even when everyone is super nice to her (except for that one popular girl who ends up disappearing halfway through anyway). All of the THREE fucking relationships she has in this book are bullshit (that's right folks, we got ourselves a god damn love SQUARE). The first one is shitty because the motherfuckers don't even like each other, the second one is shitty because the guy is shitty and problematic, and the third one I already talked about in the first paragraph. And Naomi was the shitty sprinkles atop this shitty romance sundae. This book literally made me nauseous and gave me bad vibes/feelings. This was not a good book to listen to on a road trip.
I was okay with that one dickhead (I don't even remember his name, not Ace (#JusticeForAce, the true unsung hero of this book. (view spoiler) ) or Will, the other guy) in the beginning but by the end of their relationship I was so fuckin done with him, and I wanted them to break up so badly. I cannot and will not deal with these emotionally problematic types of people. I was also shocked that Naomi still decided to associate with him even after she found out he smokes.
I hate when the main character is an annoying and insufferable brat in the beginning of a novel. I do not want to deal with and have to read about that bratty kidshit attitude even when I know it's just happening for the eventual character development. It is completely not worth it. Fuck off. And why does the main character in a book always have only one friend, then gets a boyfriend, then gets in a fight with both of them and is in the inevitable cliched time of having no friends, then realises they're an asshole and undeservedly wins back both people. That's the plot of like literally every YA contemporary novel ever, and I'm so over these tropey shitbooks. I never want to read a book that has a young adult romance in it ever again.
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