My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Yoooo.......... Ooohh. Yeah, it stings. 2 stars, eh? Yeah.... Unfortunate, but this was an extremely mediocre, cliché and unoriginal first volume. It kind of reminds me of another series... *cough*
One good thing about this series that I'll throw out there right off the bat: It's not another manga about kids in a super-special-magic academy, it's about what happens after their education when said kids join the workforce with their newly developed super-special-magic powers. I thought that was a neat thing to do, to show the "after", what all that academia amounts to. Too bad that's where the originality ends hahahahajajajajajajaj
Here's the lineup of this manga's cast:

Guest who's the: Leader of the troupe, mean smart guy who bullies the main character/everyone, main character, main character's rival. (The girl characters are both generic girl characters there for the fanservice so I'm not including them.)
ANSWER KEY=> (view spoiler)
The whole cast is just a collection of stereotypes that we've already seen in every anime and manga ever created ever. The main character is some super special twerp with a face that annoys me everytime I see his stupid grin, and who shouts "I wanna be a hero!!!!!" almost literally every other lines he speaks, and who of course has a sob story background. He has a smug rival from the academy who is also powerful and has a strong case of eighth-grade syndrome. The 1st in command of their firefighting troupe is the supportive, inspirational, strong guy whose quirk is that he likes working out all the time. The 2nd in command of their troupe is the cliché mean smart guy with glasses and short bangs that bullies the main character/everyone. I hate how you can tell exactly what kind of character he's going to be just from his character design. Actually, I can also say that for literally every single character in this manga, which is why I made that little game up there.
THE CHARACTERS WERE SO BORING! AND FRUSTRATING! And also kind of trippy, I'm not going to lie. I couldn't believe that Ohkubo was literally just throwing characters from other manga at me, BUT HE LITERALLY WAS!! I almost still can't even believe it. I'm getting war flashbacks from Black Torch which was another completely recycled piece of shonen disappointment.
Also one last note on the character designs: They are the epitome of a letdown. I mean--obviously--given what I said above. But on top of that, the designs are also just honestly nothing! They're so plain! Just compare them to Ohkubo's character designs for his Soul Eater manga:

Like? Are you kidding me? Those blow the character designs from Fire Force out into another dimension, never to be seen again (I wish).
So yeah. The characters=shit. How about the ~story~? Yeah honestly I can't even say much about that. We see the MC go on a couple firefighting missions, learn his sob story, and the introduction of a ****TOURNAMENT AAAAARRRCCC****. Which, you know what, disregard this whole review because honestly the only thing we really truly need in a shonen series is to have a tournament arc, so show's over this is already a 10/10.
Now, I know what you're thinking: With all of this being said, how in the world did this illustrated garbage manage to salvage 2 whole stars from me? Well you know what, I have no idea how, but it still had some semblance of entertainment value and actually made me want to keep reading throughout the whole volume. Granted, a lot of that last part was because I couldn't believe it could be this bad and I was trying to find out when it would start getting better.
Still! Even after finishing this volume I want to read more, and lucky me, when I bought the first volume I also bought the SECOND volume because I'm just that far ahead thinking y'all. I thought this was supposed to be a good series from the coveted Atsushi Ohkubo, okay?! So yeah. Prepare yourselves for that review.
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