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Showing posts from August, 2019

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Review: Dr.STONE 1

Dr.STONE 1 by Riichiro Inagaki My rating: 2 of 5 stars 2.5 stars In a nutshell, Dr. Stone is a story about how two high school boys deal with the entirety of the human race being miraculously turned into stone. The phenomenon happens one day just as one of them is on the cusp of confessing to the girl they like. In this first volume the cause of the new stone age is not yet revealed, so if you’re not someone who can just go with the flow and not question too many things, this story might not gel with you too well. That being said, one of the characters is a scientific savant and says a lot of things that have actual scientific backup, so that might be enough to quell your worries. This was an overall enjoyable read, but there isn’t much that’s special about it. I could see how one of the lead boys and the antagonist could be seen as interesting characters to some people, but I myself don’t think too much of them. The only remarkable thing about t...

Review: Fire & Flood

Fire & Flood by Demitria Lunetta My rating: 2 of 5 stars War. It’s a heavy little word. For some reason I’d had the idea that this was more of a rival gang situation. So, what do we have here? Fire & Flood , book one of the new Mount Olympus Academy series. If you can't tell by the series name, it's set in a Percy Jackson -esque world in that it incorporates gods and monsters from greek mythology. But more than anything, I’d say that it resembles Harry Potter in how the main character gets whisked away from their crappy life into a magical boarding school that has different “classes” which are like the different “houses” in HP. And you best believe there is a super mean rival who literally has “cronies”. While we’re doing comparisons, I’ll also throw in that not only is the main character in the Assassination Class , but that the authors also threw in the “Ass-Class” joke that fans of the Assassination Classroom series use. (Though...

Review: Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon [Notes only]

Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction My rating: 4 of 5 stars • pretty funny, made me chuckle a couple times right from the first couple pages • the art is absolutely atrocious. Or, lineart, I guess, since the colours are nice. Except there's no shading, so that's also shit. View all my reviews